You, as Nancy Drew, intern undercover in a prestigious fashion design studio in Paris. The lead designer, Minette, hasn't quite been herself lately. She hides behind a white mask and often throws tantrums, even firing several employees. Mysterious threats arrive at the old windmill studio and other troubles lurk in the underbelly of the City of Light.
Can you help Minette release her latest clothing line on time? Or will your sleuthing abroad meet an unfashionable end?
Operating System: | Windows 98/Me/2000/XP. For PC CD-ROM |
Minimum System Requirements: | 1 GHz or greater Pentium or equivalent class CPU, 128 MB of RAM, 650 MB or more of hard drive space, 32 MB DirectX compatible video card, 16 bit DirectX compatible sound card, 24X CD-ROM drive, mouse, and speakers |
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